You've Just Been Erased
This device used to accelerate small metal plates to 4 times escape velocity, vaporizing the material that "catches" the plate 5mm later, will be used to study the interior of gas giant planets and stars.
Uh huh.
It accelerates an 850 micron-thick aluminum plate at 1010*g.
Gee, what to do with this, what to do, what to do....
See this Red Faction 2 website, click weapons in the upper right hand corner, and choose "CMRD-32 Magnetic Rail Driver" (the 8th one down). I definitely need one of these to... uh... protect my self and my property.
"Directed Energy" means many things to many people.
Weird. In my free time I was studying the exact same thing. Ummm... yeah.
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