Mass Hysteria

This is a place for me to post my rage at socio-politico-economico idiocracy. That and keep in touch with my friends. And also I don't wanna be the last of my friends with a blog.

Friday, January 20, 2006

An Extra Toasty Spot For You

So I read the first few paragraphs of this article in the Wall Street Journal today (there was a copy in the breakroom at work). Side note: Since when does BugMeNot not work for the WSJ?

So anyway, if you have access to the WSJ, make sure you read this article:

Audacious Defense: Enron's Moves Were Legal

When the trial of former Enron executives Jeffrey Skilling and Kenneth Lay begins Jan. 30, defense lawyers will make a bold argument: Everything their company did was legal.

I wonder how all of those Enron employees feel about their lost retirement plans. I wonder how Skilling and Lay feel about their former employees' lost retirement plans. Seems to me that there's an extra toasty spot in The Warm Place for these guys, but I'm not one to judge.


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