Mass Hysteria

This is a place for me to post my rage at socio-politico-economico idiocracy. That and keep in touch with my friends. And also I don't wanna be the last of my friends with a blog.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Buncha Savages inThis Town

Thanks to Dale for this from the Indy Star.

I ain't sayin' he shoulda killed her...
...but I understand.

I just don't get it.

When I was in high school and my friends wanted to go "egg" someone for doing something stupid, I never went with them. To me it was a stupid way to retaliate for anything, let alone for that stupid thing.

Even on Halloween, when people would roam with a carton of eggs or a basketful of oranges, I just didn't get it.

So this morning, when I got out to the Jeep to find a half-dozen eggs coating my dashboard, seats, and windshield (the inside) I was upset. Then I called the police: non-emergency number at 7:15 a.m. only to get passed to this recording: "Thank you for calling the Albuquerque Police. Our hours are 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Please leave a message, and we'll get back to you within 48 hours."

Look, I understand that I chose to call "non-emergency", but 48 hours? Really?

The bottom line is that someone on my block is going to be drawn and quartered this week. The financial compensation that I will demand includes (but is not limited to):
-Full cost of fully detailing the car. I don't care if it's an open Jeep with vinyl seats and no carpet.
-Several hours of my time (final total is TBD) at the hourly wage that Boeing pays me to compensate for the hour and a half already spent cleaning along with the hours remaining of disassembling the dash to get to the yolks that slid down behind.
-The cost of a new stereo (it currently still works, but I haven't tried to play any CDs yet...
-The cost - including shipping - of replacing the floral seat covers from Hawaii.


This is the third time in the last two weeks that there is evidence of tampering on this Jeep.


At 7/25/2005 4:17 PM, Blogger Ron said...

You need to move to a safer neighborhood, like North Hollywood.


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