The Enviro-Wackos: At it again?
So now I don't know what to think.
Mouse Frustrates Endangered Species Policy
A while back, I raged about the idiots who wrongly identified a "new" mouse as a distinct subspecies worthy of Endangered Species protection, stalling development across much of Colorado and Wyoming. While I don't encourage development, especially across natural wonders like Rocky Mountain states, I do bridle at the misuse of the ESA solely to prevent it. It's like crying wolf, and I don't dig on it. It weakens efforts to legitimately protect other animals.
Anyway, now this jumping mouse ("Preble's Mouse") has been found, by another group, to be distinct from the "Bear Lodge Mouse" after all.
"It seemed to me from the get-go, he wanted to find that this was not a taxonomically valid subspecies," Hallerman said.
Correct me, please. Isn't "hypothesizing" part of the scientific method? And did this second group not "want to find that this was a taxonomically valid subspecies?"
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