Mass Hysteria

This is a place for me to post my rage at socio-politico-economico idiocracy. That and keep in touch with my friends. And also I don't wanna be the last of my friends with a blog.

Monday, January 23, 2006

No, Seriously, GO AWAY!

I've known 3-day-old babies that cry less than this.

Bonds Doesn't Want to Hit 2nd

I've said it before, YOU NEED TO GO AWAY. Hang 'em up, it's been a great career. Retire, go away, go fishing, golfing, I don't care, just go away. You were tiresome when I liked you. Good night. Your dad is turning in his grave, plugging his ears so as not to hear his son whining.

You and Dusty sure do make a great pair for African-American boys to look up to.

No, seriously, I don't want you on my team anymore.


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